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First Update

AssalamoAlaikum – Greetings of peace Everyone!

I am happy to report that things are now almost ready to move out of ‘beta’ and into ‘live’status…everything to do with our Muslims for Life Campaign – alhamdolillah, thum alhamdolillah.  We have to render thanks to God and to all involved in getting us here.

Now all the blood drive locations listed on our site are firm and final…they have solid arrangements in place..and hopefully everyone involved with EACH site will now start to work hard to get DONORS lined up and fully registered….our goal is to get more than 10 to 15 thousand donors lined up well before September 1, 2011.

Let us get to work!

Thank you everyone!

I ask everyone to keep: Informing, Inviting, and Inciting:

INFORMING: Keep telling everyone what we are doing!

INVITING: Keep inviting everyone to join us in our efforts!

INCITING: Keep inciting other organizations to do the same work and hold blood drives in September to honor the victims of 9/11!

Thank you again!

Was-salam – and peace!